Saturday, February 14, 2015

Valentine's Day Guide - With SRK

Happy Valentine's day to whoever celebrates it. Shah Rukh being the king of the romance and 50 Shades of Grey releasing today made me come up with this idea. OK, I am joking about the 50 Shades...I frankly don't give a sex about that. And let us or more specifically speaking, me, rejoice the fact that this is the 100th post in this blog! *Sniffs* I never thought I could do 100 posts..

Soooooooo...enjoy. If you think this is yuck then I am sorry about that in advance. Not.

It's Valentine's day morning honey.

Freshen's a new day and perfect chance to mingle, you stinky butthole.

You can't leave naked during daytime, not recommended.

At least stop being a Mama's boy on this day!

Find your game, son. No pun intended. *Hunter language*

Don't be afraid, they may be wild cats but they won't bite now.

If you whistle, wink or act any other way like a damn pervert, I will personally flush your poophead down the toilet! Keep it cool.

Spread those arms...make sure you use deodorant though.

Nothing beats an exotic vacation with your beau...even if the vacation is on Google Maps or Google Images.

Get to know if she is a psycho or not.

Everything starts from the top.

It is cool to steal something else along with the know..souvenirs.

Enough playing safe. Life is short, Valentine's Day is just 24 hours.

This is where all the hard work at the gym comes to use.

Please don't go to a mattress shop.

See the rest in the first edition of Playgirl and the upcoming edition as well. 

Aww. Did I break any hearts? :( :P

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